Funding & Awards


  • 2024 ToScA UK and Europe, London: Travel Awards for Puck Mulder and Wenjing Gou.
  • 2024 ToScA UK and Europe, London: Best Lightning Talk Award for Puck Mulder.
  • 2024 ToScA UK and Europe, London: Poster Competition First Place Award for Wenjing Gou.
  • 2023 Dr. de Bakker won the New Scientist Science Talent Prize. Read more
  • 2023 Noorderheideprijs Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds & Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde. Read more
  • 2023 Marieke Buijtendijk – AR&D Travel Grant. Read more
  • 2023 Daniël Docter – ISFRI Patricia Flach honorary award for best presentation.
  • 2023 Dr. E. Slager Award for best presentation at the Doelen conference. Read more
  • 2023 Radiology journal Best Cover of the Century award – 1st prize. Read more
  • 2022 University of Amsterdam Alumni award – 1st prize. Read more
  • 2022 ToScA Micro-CT Image Competition – 1st prize.
  • 2021 Radiology journal TOP image Award – 1st prize. Read more
  • 2019 The AMC Best PhD Thesis Award – 1st prize. Read more
  • 2019 Amsterdam Science & Innovation award category Life Sciences. Read more
  • 2019 The young investigator award – De Snoo-van ‘t Hoogerhuijs stichting.
  • 2017 Best Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences (ACS) Publication.
  • 2017 AMC Graduate School PhD Publication award 2016 – 1st prize. Read more
  • 2017 AMC profielprijs 3D Embryo Atlas Team.
  • 2014 AAA travel award; Experimental Biology (AAA), San Diego.
  • 2013 AAA Visiting Scholarship: NMHM, Silver Spring, MD.
  • 2013 The Bolk Award, Dutch Anatomical Association; Oral presentation.
  • 2013 AAA travel award; Experimental Biology (AAA), Boston.
  • 2009 Best Honours Student Presentation Award.



  • 2024 Stichting Steun Emma Kinderziekenhuis – Micro-CT imaging of the Enteric Nervous System.
  • 2024 Nierstichting – Foetal INvestigations Etiology anomalies of renal tissue (FINEart). Read more
  • 2024 NVGE Gastrostart – Pilot study micro-CT therapy-resistant functional constipation. Read more
  • 2024 NWO – Doctoral Scholarship for Teachers for Sophie Visser.
  • 2024 AGEM Innovation Grant – Exploring surgical anatomy and embryology.
  • 2024 AR&D Seeding Grant – Micro-CT contrast enhancement.
  • 2023 Amsterdam UMC Starter Grant – A 3D Fetal Atlas of Birth Defects.
  • 2023 AR&D Team Science Grant – The epigenetic signature of monozygotic twinning. Read more
  • 2023 AR&D Team Science Grant – Studying surgical anatomy. Read more
  • 2022 Vrienden van het Sophia stichting – AI in 3D ultrasound.
  • 2022 Amsterdam UMC Innovation impuls.
  • 2022 AR&D Start Small, Think Big Grant – Imaging Ectopic Pregnancies. Read more
  • 2021 Amsterdam UMC innovation impuls – AR in education and diagnosing clefts.
  • 2020 AR&D The Bigger Picture Grant – 3D Cardiac Atlas. Read more
  • 2020 AR&D In Between Grant – Fetal microbiome. Read more
  • 2018 SAMSUNG: A 3D ultrasound machine.
  • 2018 SAMSUNG: An atlas of 3D ultrasound images of human development.
  • 2018 AR&D Out-of-the-Box grant: High Resolution 3D Imaging of Fetal anatomy. Read more
  • 2018 Out of the box Cardiovascular Sciences: The Fetal Transcriptome.
  • 2018 AnatomyTOOL2: ‘Open Anatomie Leermaterialen’. Read more
  • 2017 AMC Graduate School Phd Scholarship for Yousif Dawood: 3D Fetal Atlas.
  • 2017 AMC Grassroot for education.
  • 2016 AMC Innovation impuls: ACRA: an anatomical radiological skills lab.
  • 2015 IPS-project Amsterdam University Fund; Serious gaming.